
Athlete Comments

I made more progress on this training cycle than any other in my life.  I got a lot stronger.  The new PRs came on a weekly basis and If I did not experience this myself, I would not have believed it.  

The improved recovery was the most obvious thing I notice. I felt great every work out.  My muscles were just as fresh after training as they were before training.  

The bottom line is with Mitronite, I could train at a higher volume, with more intense sessions, and more frequently.  It is no surprise, that I got  better results than usual.  

Researcher Comments

    The inclusion of Mitronite nutrients appears to have had a very significant effect.  While the results are very impressive, we are cautious that may not be representative. This a highly motivated athlete and further study is needed with more athletes in more sports.

     We observed that in this case, the use of Mitronite nutrients appeared to support significantly improved post exercise recovery.  

     The gains in athletic performance appear to take place immediately.  We observed, increasing strength, and shortened recovery immediately after taking the Mitronite nutrients.  More study is needed to draw broader conclusions.