Mitronite PED and Banned Substance Policy Statement

Thank you for visiting www. We are committed to ensuring our all of our products are free of Performance Enhancing Drugs and Banned Substances (PEDs).  To learn more, please read the PED and Banned Substance policy that follows.


Natural Product

Mitronite is not a drug, it is a natural product (Health Canada NPN 80070757) produced in compliance with Health Canada and FDA Regulations.



Mitronite does not intentionally use any PEDs or Banned Substances from the World Anit-Doping Association (WADA) list of banned substances.

Mitronite understands that the burden for responsible behaviour regarding PEDs and Banned Substances is solely on the athlete.  We also understand that athletes in drug tested federations, leagues, and associations need transparency and accuracy related to what they put in their bodies. In support of athletes seeking to make informed choices, Mitronite explicitly certifies that our products are free of the following categories of PEDs and Banned Substances: 

  • Stimulants (including caffeine)
  • Anabolic Agents of any kind
  • Beta Blockers
  • Street Drugs of any kind
  • Diuretics and Other Masking Agents
  • Peptide Hormones and Analogues
  • Anti-Estrogens
  • Beta-2 Agonists

Testing & Processes

Mitronite has taken rigorous steps to ensure there is no unintentional contamination or PEDs or Banned Substances.  Mitronite has implemented processes including supplier selection, raw ingredient testing, pre-manufacturing testing, and post-manufacturing testing on all manufactured product lots to ensure there is no cross contamination.  These tests are completed using Gas Chromatography - Mass Spectrometry diagnostic instruments and are referenced against benchmarked laboratory standards.  These processes ensure we eliminate instances for contaminated source ingredients, erroneous source ingredients, or cross-contamination during manufacturing.


Mitronite only selects manufacturing facilities that are GMP certified, and those that explicitly do not handle pharmaceutical products at all.  This virtually eliminates any chances of unintentional cross contamination.

All Mitronite products are double sealed at the point of manufacturing.  The first tamper-proof seal is inside the cap, the second tamper-proof seal is outside the cap.  Tampering of the product post-manufacturing will be self evident.  Under no circumstances should athletes use Mitronite if either of the tamper-proof seals have been altered.  Full refunds or replacements will be offered on all products with broken tamper-proof seals.





  • Mitronite certifies that labelling information is accurate and in compliance with Health Canada and FDA regulations.
  • Mitronite certifies that labelling accurately reflects the relative amounts of each ingredient per dose within applicable manufacturing tolerances and that each lot is tested to ensure compliance.
  • Mitronite certifies that it lists any cautionary information such as, but not limited to, side-effects to health, on the label.
  • Mitronite certifies that we do not make false, or unsubstantiated benefit claims on the label.

Policy Updates


Mitronite reviews this policy on a quarterly basis and may make updates at any time.  We will never update the policy to allow inclusion, under any circumstance, whether unintentional or otherwise, the use of PEDs or Banned Substances.  Policy updates may include, enhanced screening process, updates to comply with regulations, or updates to include new classes of PEDs or Banned Substances.


Questions or recommendations regarding this policy, our testing and screening procedures can be forwarded to